
The Fabulous Alicia Buckle Lipstick Range

Ok, Ladies! If you have been searching for the perfect duo of day to night lipstick to keep in your handbag, then I have the answer for you. Alicia Buckle, a proudly South African make-up artist and owner of the ALICIA BUCKLE SCHOOL OF MAKE-UP, has developed two exciting lipstick options to suit every woman out there.

Women from all over South Africa has fallen in love with this amazing product including Miss World(2014) Rolene Strauss and Boer Soek ń Vrou presenter, Marciel Hopkins.

“The Best Colour In The World,

Is The One That Looks Good On You”

– Coco Chanel

If you want a daring look filled with sexy confidence then the ‘Perfect Red’ lipstick is your weapon of choice. The ‘Natural Nude’ lipstick-shade will provide you with a soft feminine touch that can be combined with any number of lip pencils to create a range of fabulous colourful combinations.

The creamy texture of this lipstick will give you a soft and velvety sensation to your lips. It has a smooth, rich and semi-shiny colour, with an almost matt look. The peculiarity of this product is it’s softness, combined with it’s moisturising and volumizing properties. After a few minutes of application, you will notice more volume on your lips with a long lasting effect.

The Alicia Buckle Lipstick range will soon be among your favourite products. Make sure you get yours today!

Don’t wait – SHOP NOW!!

Oom Izak, Teen Die Voet Van Die Klap Kloof

Die son se strale het al goud begin dans teen die hange van die Klap Kloof toe ons die veldpaadjie al skud-skud aandurf. Dis Sondagmiddag en ons is genooi vir sjokoladekoek by oom Izak.

Oppad luister ek na die verhaal van hoe die Klap Kloof sy naam gekry het. Deur die kloof loop ń paadjie waar die ossewaens eens stof opgeskop het. Net n tweespoor pad oor die klipperige berg, wat net een trekspan op ń slag kon akkommodeer. Wanneer jy met jou ossespan aan die voet van die kloof arriveer, was daar eers halt geroep.

Die langsweep, wat pa nog gebrei het op die trek, is dan uitgehaal en in die stilte het ń paar knalle deur die kloof weergalm.

Die langsweep, wat pa nog gebrei het op die trek, is dan uitgehaal en in die stilte het ń paar knalle deur die kloof weergalm. Almal se ore gespits om te hoor of daar antwoord is. Weer ń sweepslag of twee wat die stowwerige kleiaarde laat les opsê. Stilte. Indien daar geen antwoord kom met eie sweepslag nie, kon jy weet die pad is oop en die touleier kan maar die osse met gefluit weer voortdryf om die tweespoor paadjie te oorwin.

Dis winter in die Klap Kloof en die bosagtige wêreld vertoon vaal, wat die doringbome nog meer kru laat uitstaan. Tog, koester hierdie tipe bosveld sy eie prag met diere wat oral ritsel en klein stroompies water wat hul kronkelpad al kabbelend vind teen die berg af.

Op die werf stop ons onder ń groot doringboom en ek kyk na oom Izak se klein huisie wat amper gekoester lê teen die waai van hierdie magtige Klap Kloof. Die wit en swart skaaphond groet opgewonde en op die stoep is die mooiste vetplantjies gerangskik. My oog vang die twee rottang tuinstoele in die verbygaan en ek wonder stil of die een sitplek meesal koud is.

“Kom sit sommer in die kombuis, dis warmer hier,” nooi oom Izak. Om die ses sitplek tafel groet die lomerige hitte van die houtstoof ons vriendelik. Soos ń stywe drukkie omvou dit jou en laat jou welkom voel in die klein kombuisie. Ek loer na die kat wat bo-op die kombuiskas naelskraap skuur teen ‘n outydse glas olielamp. Net-net verby…

Oom Izak sit aan die kop van die tafel en skuif vir elkeen ń sny sjokoladekoek om die beurt nader. “Self gebak,” spog hy met ń glimlag. Die klingel van teelepels in swart koffie teen die rand van die nerfaf blikbekers laat die oomblik nostalgies voel. Suikersoet smelt die sjokoladekoek in my mond en die bloedrooi kersie in die versiersuiker, laat my skielik verlang na my ma.

Die rustige vloei van ons stemme val sagkuns teen die mure van die oorvol, maar netjiese huisie. Prakties, snoesig ingerig. So in die gesels deel oom Izak onwetend ń paar broodnodige wyshede uit en ek kyk verwonderd hoe die siele rondom die tafel sy woorde indrink. Dors vir ń paar druppels uitgeleefde waarhede.

Oom Izak is ń sjef, al wou sy pa hom destyds dwing om vir Yskor te gaan werk. “I have no regrets,” vonkel sy oë byna ondeund, terwyl hy n stukkie van sy lewensverhaal voor ons ontvou. Ek staar na hom, met die mus op sy kop, bene oormekaar gekruis en sien die rustigheid in sy wese waarna so baie dikwels smag. Oom Izak, weet wie hy is, dink ek by myself.

In die voorvertrek rank die mooiste bonsai voor die oop venster. Sy kronkels en draai dans opwaarts en vertoon magies met die silhouet van die Klap Kloof in die agtergrond. Spierwit affodille in die een hoek vorm ń sagte kontras teen die vaal wêreld wat net buite die venster lê. Oral kan jy die groen vingerafdrukke van oom Izak sien straal op die mooi versogde plantegroei wat lewe gee aan die klein huisie.

Die son se goue strale het verander in sagte pers skadus teen die hang van die berg en ons tyd om te groet het aangebreek. Ek draai terug en kyk na oom Izak, sy skaaphond, die klein huisie en die twee alleen stoele op die stoep. Nog ń keer kyk ek, en drink die toeneel voor my in, bêre dit iewers diep binne.

“ The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth.

One is nearer God’s heart in a garden, than anywhere else on earth.”

Dorothy Frances Gurney

Op die skud-skud pad terug weerklank die woorde teen oom Izak se pilaar in my binneste: “ The kiss of the son for pardon, the song of the bird for mirth. One is nearer tot God in a garden, than anywhere else on earth.” Ek maak my oë toe en bid dat God oom Izak sal bewaar in sy huisie teen die hang van die Klap Kloof. Mag Hy sy hand in Syne toevou wanneer die groot K die laaste lig in die wyse oë kom verdof.

In my gees hoor ek vir oulaas ń sweepslag weergalm op-op teen die hange, maar daar is geen ego wat groet nie… want dit het stil geword in die Klap Kloof.


10 Tips For A Successful Juice Cleanse

If you want to achieve a successful juice cleanse experience then it is important to do things the right way.  Too many people jump onto the hype train and forget that living a healthy lifestyle is a conscious decision everyday! This includes pre-cleanse and post-cleanse efforts in order to help you achieve the best possible results with your juice cleanse. Let’s take a look at these ten tips suggested by Juice Revolution for a successful juice cleanse:

1 Follow your program to the letter.

This is essential to your success. Personally I found that staying on track with my juice cleanse schedule helped me to keep my mind focused on the end goal and kept me from even considering deviating from the program.

2 Try to drink your meals on time so your sugar levels don’t crash.

Juice Revolution includes an easy to follow juice cleanse schedule, that you can put on your fridge, which shows you exactly when to consume which product. Very convenient and easy to follow. I added little reminders on my phone, to keep me on track when I am at work.

3 Drink your meals s-l-o-w-l-y. ‘Chew’ them in your mouth.

I know this may seem silly, but it works! Focusing on being in the moment when I consume my juice or soup, really helps me to feel more satisfied with my meals. This is a tip I am going to continue with, even when eating solid food again. Eating on the go often does not help your brain realize that you are satisfied and no longer hungry. Which often results in overeating – something I definitely want to avoid.

4 Remember to take your supplements.

Taking some additional supplements when doing a juice cleanse can be beneficial, because not all your nutritional needs can be satisfied by the fruit and vegetable kingdom.  Juice Revolution has made this super easy, by including these supplements in your juice cleanse combo pack for easy consumption.

5 Carry an extra toothbrush – you may want to brush your teeth during the day.

6 Enjoy your juices cold and your soups warmed up.

The addition of 100% natural soups included in your juice cleanse can be very helpful, especially in winter. The variation of cold and warm meals helped me to fight my FOMO when preparing meals for my family.

7 Keep hydrated. Drink a glass of water with or between each meal.

Staying hydrated is a positive habit that we should uphold and also teach our kids from a young age. Water is very important for the optimal functionality of our entire body. Make sure you get your daily dose of 8 glasses a day!

8 Exercise, exercise, exercise!

Get your body moving to keep your mind out of the pantry! I found that doing some mild exercise like talking a walk with my dogs really helped me to stay focused on my end goal and away from bad habits in my daily routine. For example: heading for the cookie jar the moment I got home from work. Instead I grabbed my running shoes for some outdoor comfort instead.

9 Reduce TV time and get 8 hours sleep a night.

Get off the couch! Reduce your TV and social media time and go to bed early. It will help take your mind off food and accelerate the cleansing process.

10 Get your mind right.

Your mind can be your greatest enemy or your best friend. Make sure you fill your thoughts with positive thinking that will help you to reach your end goal with flying colors. Flip your negative mentality into a massive victory mentality.



Juice Revolution

Always remember that their is trail and error in all of life. Try and make your juice cleanse a positive experience instead of having it feel like torture. Please always consult your doctor before going on a juice cleanse, to make sure their are no obstacles in your way.

And if possible get a great support system in place to help you stay on track.

Please let me know in the comments if you found these tip to be helpful. If you have other tips to share that worked for you, please share it, so that we can all grow and learn together.

Happy Juicing!

Source & Picture: Juice Revolution

How To Prepare For Your Juice Cleanse


Doing a proper juice cleanse can be tough, but you have to keep in mind that the cleanse itself is only half the battle. What you eat and drink in the days prior can have a major impact on your journey; it is as much part of the cleanse as the products themselves. If you want to achieve the best results possible dedicate yourself to pre-cleanse preparation.

“Today’s Preparation, Determines Tomorrow’s Success.”


Doing some pre-cleanse preparation is kind off the same as cleaning out your cupboards before going on a diet. It’s like removing any unhealthy foods in order to help you stick to your health plan, minimize cravings and avoid impulsive eating when you see your favorite chocolate in the cupboard.

Let’s take a look at 6 tips that you can do to properly prepare for your juice cleanse:

 • Remove processed foods, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, refined flour, refined starches, dairy and meat from your diet. This may sound like a lot, but if you can cut down on 50% of what you normally consume, you are already going to notice a difference.

• Increase your consumption of whole foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbal teas and water. Stacking up on the best foods with excellent nutritional value is going to help you feel more energized and stronger during your juice cleanse.

• If you are a smoker, cut down!

 • Get your mind right – focus on why you have chosen to do this cleanse. This is incredibly important and if you can keep yourself focused on the end goal you will glide through this cleanse with ease.

• Think positive thoughts.

“The Positive Thinker Sees The Invisible, Feels The Intangible And Achieves The Impossible.”

Winston Churchill

• Believe in yourself – you can do this. Although this is a departure from the way you are used to eating, you will be so thankful you embarked on this journey. (Info Source: Juice Revolution )

Deciding to commit to a juice cleanse is in itself a big win for your health. So congrats on taking control and choosing a healthy kickstart to a lifestyle filled with lots of flavor, energy and much needed nutrition. Always consult your doctor before doing a juice cleanse and especially if you have any health issues, that may be of concern. 

Let me know in the comments if you think doing a pre-cleanse is helpful when embarking on a juice cleanse.

Happy Juicing!

Picture: Juice Revolution

Hello world!

I am Salomé Sophia and this is my creative space. I cover everything from faith to fashion to travel and nutrition. Sharing my experiences and opinions while striving to empower and inspire others. 

A few weeks ago I reached a crossroad in my life and I realized that I am the only one who has the power to choose my path forward. The choice still feels a bit intimidating to me, but more than that I find myself excited about this new added chapter in my life.

In the coming weeks and months I will be sharing more about my journey with you. Exploring my vision for the future and celebrating every small victory in between. 

If you want to to come along for the ride, please subscribe and feel free to visit my Youtube Channel, Facebook or follow me on Instagram.

I hope you enjoy my creative space and come back often!

With Love, 

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